Hello Friends,
It is Tuesday, July 26th and here are some things to do in NMB today
- Jim Morgan and JQ are playing tunes on 949thesurf.com today
- The Surf Team will be at Harold’s Tonight in the Back Room for South of the Surf Shag Party at Senor Fat Harolds from 6 to 9. Mandy and River will be teaching shag lessons at 7. Eddie Anderson is in the front room from 6 until.
Ray’s List for Tuesday, 7-26
- Timmy at Duplin Winery 12PM
- Benny Nations Karaoke at Murphy’s 12PM
- Clean SL8 at Ocean Annie’s 2PM
- Cyndi Wheeler at Duplin Winery 3:30
- Karaoke w/Jessy at Patio’s 4:30
- Stan Gregory at Martini 5PM
- Charles Freeman at Lulu’s 5PM
- Scott Watkins at Brentwood 5PM
- SCE at HOTOs 6PM.
- Ronnie Clinton at Bouy’s 6PM
- South of the Surf Shag Party at Fat Harold’s 6PM
- Tammy at Duck’s Sidewalk 6PM
- Chris Cary at Flynn’s 6PM
- Taylor Richardson at Archie’s 6PM
- at Murphy’s 6PM
- Lancaster Road at Duck Dive Bar 6PM
- Bear Baker at Landshark 6PM
- Dale Mosher at Marina Bar 6PM
- Matt Doda at Nacho Hippo 6PM
- Randy Atwood at Cooper’s 6PM
- Joan Burton at Daddio’s 6PM
- Groovin’ Organ Trio at KWC 6PM
- Jimmy Roca at Local Bar 6:30
- Larry Stevens at Maxwell’s 6:30
- Frankie Moree at Deckerz 7PM
- Mike Waters at Boardwalk Billy’s 7PM
- Doc Simons at Dockside Village 7PM
- The Mercenaries at Star Tavern 7PM
- Murder Mystery Dinner at HoB 7PM
- The Deacons at Ocean Annie’s 7PM
- Prince Azariyah at OD Arcade 8PM
Make it a Great Day in NMB!
Beach Music Fans – See the Band Schedules Page at BeachMusicOnline.com