Are you looking for some more information about the city of North Myrtle Beach? This website was set-up to serve as a resource guide for the the city of NMB. Here are some stats, facts, and other things about North Myrtle Beach.
- The City of North Myrtle Beach is located in Horry County South Carolina (the H in Horry is silent)
- North Myrtle Beach is a separate city from Myrtle Beach, SC (obviously north of MB)
- NMB was founded in 1968 by joining 4 existing municipalities; Cherry Grove, Ocean Drive, Crescent Beach and Windy Hill
- The North Myrtle Beach Zip code is 29582. The 6th Avenue South Post Office Zip code is 29597
- Atlantic Beach is surrounded by NMB, but not part of the city
- The mascot of the North Myrtle Beach High School is the Chiefs
- Vanna White is from North Myrtle Beach
- Kelly Tilghman, from the Golf Channel is from NMB
- Barefoot Landing is located in NMB features over 100 stores, restaurants and attractions including Alabama Theatre and House of Blues
- There are 2 piers in NMB – The Cherry Grove Pier and the private fishing pier at Sea Cabin
- In 2010, there were 13,752 residents of NMB
- NMB is part of the Grand Strand area of SC that sees over 14 million visitors per year.
- The private country club is called Surf Golf and Beach Club. Members call it the “Surf Club”
- North Myrtle Beach location makes it close to 84 golf courses
- It does not have a casino, but minutes north, you will find the casino boats that leave from Little River
- Beach Music is what you hear in the Main Street Lounges and beach clubs
- NMB was named South Carolina’s 2013 E-City by Google
- The biggest draw to North Myrtle Beach is the BEACH of course, you will find the widest beaches of the Atlantic Ocean here!
Other Places of Interest
North Myrtle Beach City Hall
1018 2nd Avenue South
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
(843) 280-5585
North Myrtle Chamber of Commerce
1521 Hwy 17 S
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
(843) 281-2662
Closest DMV
SC Division of Motor Vehicles
107 State Highway 57 North #4
Little River, SC 29566
(843) 399-5567
Please browse this Explore North Myrtle Beach website. It is a growing work in progress and I will continue to add stuff to the website. If you have some ideas or see something that may be incorrect, please let me know using the contact form for
Before moving here, I visited NMB for years. I am a big Carolina Beach Music fan and work with many of the biggest groups and event promoters, so you may see quite a bit of information about that industry here. There is a lot of opinions about how it got started, I will side with the folks that say North Myrtle Beach started beach music and the Shag Dance. Wherever it started…I glad that it settled here in North Myrtle Beach, SC.
Also….North Myrtle Beach High School is not in the city limits of North Myrtle Beach.